Coordination Efficiency to Optimise Movement Retraining for The Low Back and Hip

18oct(oct 18)9:00 am19(oct 19)5:00 pmCoordination Efficiency to Optimise Movement Retraining for The Low Back and Hip


18th October 2025 9:00 am - 19th October 2025 5:00 pm(GMT+08:00)

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Event Details



This course is designed to help clinicians deliver targeted movement retraining to successfully manage each patient’s pain, pathology and compromised function of the low back and hip. It supports all clinicians’ desired outcomes for their patients through the identification and management of the movement impairment associated to their current low back or hip issue.  

The course details a systemised route to employ movement as the intervention of choice with their patients to manage recurrence and support participation and long term movement health. Pain, pathology and compromised function are linked to mechanism of movement impairment. Kinetic Control contemporary neuroscience, biomechanics,  physiology and skill acquisition principles to allow all clinicians to harness the power of movement within their practice to empower people to change mechanisms of recurrence. 


The close relationship between the low back and hip during functional and performance tasks is widely acknowledged. Although the value of movement is increasingly recognised as a tool to manage low back and hip presentations the clinical picture can appear complex due to the 

number of different variables altering any individual’s movement patterns. Because everyone moves differently, how do we decide which particular movement has the greatest influence on a patient’s low back or hip problem? 

The main focus of this course is to give clinicians the tools and enhanced skillset to use targeted movement retraining to change the mechanisms of movement control impairments related to pain, pathology and compromised function of the low back and hip.  The clinical value of this approach is to allow the building blocks of movement patterns to be assessed and retrained so as to manage complex and multi-factorial presentations.  Changing movement quality restores more optimal patterns of movement helping limit recurrence and supporting participation, performance and quality of life. This course delivers a time efficient clinical framework that helps you change co-ordination strategies to optimise the health of your patient’s movement. 


Develop skills to successfully use clinical tools and a movement focussed framework to change the mechanisms of movement impairment associated to the low back and hip Achieve better outcomes in respect of recurrence and long term health 

Supplies a targeted movement retraining intervention allowing clinicians to be increasingly time efficient in addressing their patients’ impairments 

Develops the clinicians’ abilities to change the building blocks of more complex movement patterns 

Supplies therapists with the clinical reasoning and skillset to manage the complexities of low back and hip presentations 


At the end of this course the participant should be 

able to: 

Evaluate and diagnose movement and identify client specific movement impairments Deliver targeted movement retraining to alter the key mechanisms associated to their patients’ low back and hip pain or dysfunction 

Operate within a structured clinical reasoning framework to help patients achieve their outcomes 

Apply practical interventions derived from contemporary research underpinning the principles of movement evaluation and retraining decision making 


Explores the value of targeted movement retraining in managing complex and multi factorial issues 

Identifies patients’ specific movement impairments influence upon their function and symptoms at the low back and hip 

Presents the importance of identifying and retraining movement control impairments to improve patients’ quality of life 

Explores the relationship between altered movement quality, pain, pathology, compromised function and the presence of restrictions 

Practical workshops to enhance movement assessment and retraining proficiency within clinical environments 

Practically applies principles of co-ordination efficiency and coordinative variability to target mechanisms associated with patients’ movement impairments 

The clinical presentation of movement control impairments of the low back and hip




Tina Lin

Event Schedule

9.00 – 9.30 Why movement matters
9.30 – 10.30 How impairments influence function and symptoms at the low back and hip. The Movement System and Clinical Reasoning
10.30 -10.50 Coffee
10.50 – 12.30 Principles of testing for movement control impairments and making a clinical diagnosis of uncontrolled movement
The process of testing for movement control impairments
The clinical presentation of movement control impairments of the low back 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Testing for movement control impairments of the low back establishing clinical subgrouping
15.00 – 15.20 Tea
15.20 – 17.00 Continue and targeted retraining

9.00 – 10.30 The clinical presentation of movement control impairments of the hip Testing for movement control impairments of the hip and establishing clinical subgrouping
10.30 – 10.50 Coffee
10.50– 12.30 Principles of retraining optimal movement control and re-establishing movement health
Cognitive motor control retraining solutions for movement control impairments for the low back and hip
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Practical continues
15.00 – 15.20 Tea
15.30 – 16.00 /17.00 Matching movement retraining solutions to the client’s / patient’s goals and priorities.
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